I’m Here For You
The roar of the TV and his family’s laughter were white noise in Steven’s ears as his brain was transfixed on the latest box car children’s book he had picked up from the library, along with a stack of other books he would invariably have finished by the end of the week. His body hanging upside down off the couch was somehow the most comfortable position he could find in the house. He flipped the last page disappointed that the story was done. He sat himself back up, feeling the blood rush back down.
His mom leaned over the couch, and placed a kiss atop his head. “How was your book?”
“Great. Though I knew who had taken the suitcase all along.”
“You’re just too smart for your own good, you know that?”
All he could do was blush. He knew he was smart, but with everyone at school always so focused on how out of control he was all time, it felt nice to be acknowledged for something he did right. He savored every drop of it. His parent’s loved him, and he knew he wasn’t the easiest child to deal with at times.
“Okay you ready for bed?”
Those simple words struck him with a ferocity unlike any other. Sleep was a constant battle for him. But it was something he needed, and wanted. “Yeah mom.” he nodded, acknowledging that his eyes were growing weary.
The TV shut off, as his dad grabbed his sleeping sister from off the couch and nestled her against his chest. “Come on sissy, it’s time for bed.”
“But I’m not not tired,” she replied, somehow waking just enough to speak her mind.
Steven followed his parent’s down the hall and turned on the light to his room. His Jurassic Park bed was well made just waiting for him, and the floor was clean, but should someone look beneath the bed or in the closet, the truth of the matter would be obvious. Cleaning was always just a passive thought. He clicked on the TV, putting on the Simpsons, one of his favorite shows, despite the fact that his family hated watching it. Something about the fun characters just seemed to make nights so much better and it had become a tradition at this point. He Climbed into bed and pulled up the comforter.
“Night bub, Love ya,” his dad said poking his head into his room. From between his leg’s the families chihuahua, pepper ran in and jumped up onto the bed taking her spot up near Steven’s pillow.
“Night dad.” He said just before the light shut off. The door slowly closed. “Just leave it open a crack.” With that the hall light shut off and his parent’s door shut.
The only sound in the house was a muffled conversation that came through the vents and his TV which was just barely audible so it wouldn’t keep anyone else up.
He laid there, staring at the TV yearning for sleep. He closed his eyes taking in the sound, trying to calm his mind down. His body itched. Not like a physical itch but a deeper feeling. It was uncomfortable. He flipped over and over, until both episodes of the Simpsons had ended and a late night infomercial started playing. He climbed out of bed and turned the station to the local Christian channel. The preacher was talking about revelations and end times. A common theme that came up over and over again. The fear of waking up one morning and finding his family gone had been pounded into his head. He curled up once more to fall asleep.
“Steven,” a malicious sounding disembodied voice called out.
Not again. Steven screamed out inside his head. He Couldn’t look. What ever awaited him wasn’t something he wanted to see. For as long as he could remember things would show up in his room. He had told his parents about them, and the response was always that they were demons, sent by Satan but that god would protect him. He wanted so bad to believe that he was safe, but in the moment it felt as though he was alone. “Go away in the name of Jesus!” he managed to eek out.
“Steven!” The voice boomed.
If he didn’t turn over now it might get him. He forced himself to turn over, eyes closed, and the blanket pulled over his head. He opened his eyes to see a bit of light from the TV getting through. Slowly, inch by inch, he lowered the blanket.
There, standing in the corner near his window, its faceless head nearly touching the ceiling, stood a humanoid figure cloaked in shadow, a sickle in one hand. Steven, froze. His parent’s had said calling on the name of the Lord would work. Why didn’t this thing respond? He eyed the sickle. This was no demon. It was death. An angle. With its own agenda. Sent by God. It raised its arm pointing a twisted and mangled white finger at him. “I’m here for you.”
Those words pierced deep. He broke into a cold sweat. He didn’t want to die. What if he hadn’t repented for something. Was he bound to go to hell? Is that why he was here? He was too young to die. Tears streamed down his face. There was nothing he could do but sit there staring.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” he finally managed to get a noise out hoping his parents would come rescue him. The image disappeared. He grabbed a hold of pepper, and held her tight, hoping it would calm his quivering hands.
His parents rushed in and turned on the light.
“What’s going on,” his dad asked, standing there, hair a mess, and glasses askew on his face and his shirt hastily put on backwards.
Steven let go of the dog with one hand and pointed towards the corner. It was standing there. He was coming for me. I don’t want to die.” his chest heaved with each anxious breath.
“Who’s coming for you?” His mom said, tying her robe around her waist, coming up beside his dad in the doorway. Seeing him, she rushed to his side, and put her arm around him.
Steven nuzzled into. “Death. He wants me.”
“Aww bubby, it’s okay. We won’t let anything happen to you. God will keep you safe. Satan’s just trying to scare you. Do you want us to pray with you?”
He nodded, face still pressed against her.
“God we just ask that you keep Steven safe. Protect him from whatever the devil is trying to throw at him. Bring him peace and help him sleep. In Jesus name amen.”
Steven let go and laid back down.
“Better?” she asked.
“Yeah. thanks.”
Okay. we’re going back to bed. If you need us come get us. We’ll leave the hall light on for you.” they left Steven alone in his room again, the beam of light streaming through and the TV still on.
Once again, he closed his eyes to sleep but the image clung to him. Knowing that thing could be back at any time ate away at him. He couldn’t keep his parents awake again. He stared at the clock. Elven fifty pm. Another long sleepless night. What had he done to deserve this?
If only I had a better understanding of this when you were young. As I read this, I fight back tears knowing I failed to protect you from this awful thing.
It wasn’t your fault. none of us knew any better, and every doctor missed it till it became too aggressive. so many others fell through the cracks besides me.
Bubby, thank you so much for sharing.
Love you very much!!